436 Route 79 North, Suite 21, Morganville, New Jersey 07751
Treating with the REPEX™ is based on the patient’s directional movement preference and provides measurable and positive outcomes particularly in the management of acute/chronic low back and leg pain patients. The REPEX™ takes the patient through repetitive end-range passive-range-of-motion movements of flexion and/or extension. Robin McKenzie and Howard Hill have collaborated to produce the REPEX™ Therapy Table.
REPEX™ Treats:
The exclusive design of the REPEX™ was developed to address mechanical disorders of the low back using the McKenzie Technique. It was created specifically for the management of mechanical disorders of the lumbar spine.
New Jersey Sports Chiropractic
CYROTHERAPY is the science of using cold temperatures to safely lower your skin's temperature to induce relaxation and overall wellness benefits.
How It Works
The REPEX™ takes the patient through repetitive end-range passive-range-of-motion movements of flexion and/or extension. Often those suffering from easily irritable low back pain and/or radiating symptoms can experience pain with even the smallest of active movements of the spine or surrounding joints/tissues. This is due to increased sensitivity of both the local and central nervous system to “protect” against perceived threat. In most cases, this does not equate to structural or tissue damage. However, this sensitivity can make it difficult for a patient to initiate and tolerate movement-based approaches to treating back pain. Once directional preference is appropriately established, the REPEX can allow the patient to achieve numerous reps of a desired movement in a relaxed and non-threatening way to the patient’s nervous system. Directional preference is defined as “the clinical phenomenon where a specific direction of repeated movement and/or sustained position results in clinically relevant improvement in either symptoms and/or mechanics.
"If you are like most patients with mechanical back pain, you are better when moving and worse when you remain in one position for prolonged periods." - Robin McKenzie